European Scientific Conference - Towards Pesticide Free Agriculture

European Scientific Conference - Towards Pesticide Free Agriculture

02 June 2022


"What research to meet the pesticides reduction objectives embedded in the European Green Deal?"

Current crop protection in EU agriculture heavily relies on chemical pesticides to control weeds, pests and pathogens. European authorities, consumers and citizens are calling for a drastic reduction in the use and impact of chemical pesticides. The European Green Deal has set new targets and defined a roadmap with multiple strategies, including Farm to Fork and Biodiversity 2030. Ambitious targets have been set for agriculture and food, namely the goal of reducing by 50% the use and risk of chemical pesticides, as well as the use of more hazardous pesticides, by 2030.

As part of the official French EU Presidency programme, the French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) and his partners the French National Research Programme Growing and Protecting Crops Differently (Cultiver et Protéger Autrement) and the European Research Alliance “Towards a Chemical Pesticide-Free agriculture” are organising an European Scientific Conference which will take place on 2-3 June 2022 in Dijon (East of France).

The conference will provide a state of play of the scientific production and of the science fronts that the European research must explore in order to break away from the current food system known to be heavily dependent on chemical pesticides. The major goal is to contribute to respond to the ambitious pesticide reduction objective of the European Green Deal.

The conference will take place in Dijon over two days. It will combine plenary and parallel sessions with presentation of scientific work by researchers from different European countries, discussions between researchers and professionals, field and infrastructures visits and a science-society meeting. English will be the speaking language.

Four scientific fields will be covered during the plenary and parallel sessions:

  • Bio-inspired management of Crop Health
  • Genetics and breeding of new cultivars for new services
  • Cropping system and agrotechnology
  • Agri-food system transformation and societal adoption.
Registration is now open until 20th of May / All information and program in our website




Publication date : 29 August 2023