The COST Action T0P-AGRI-Network is calling for applications for short-term scientific missions

The COST Action T0P-AGRI-Network is calling for applications for short-term scientific missions

Launched in September 2022, the COST Action T0P-AGRI-Network targets the transition “Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture”. Bringing together more than 50 members from accross Europe, it aims at setting the scientific fundament for an agroecology-based transition towards agricultural systems with a zero dependence on chemical pesticides.

The COST Action CA21134 “Towards zer0 pesticide agriculture: European network for sustainability” (T0P-AGRI-Network) aims to establish a European network of scientists-experts and young researchers studying and applying techniques and protection methods aiming at preparing the future of an agriculture free of synthetic pesticides and of nature-derived pesticides that negatively impact environment and human health. T0P-AGRI-Network tackles this challenge by creating and organising a wide research community with the aim to form a European leading network with high and transdisciplinary expertise around the common objective of a pesticide-free agriculture, with a particular focus on young scientists.

The COST Action T0P-AGRI-Network invites Action members’ applications for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) in order to network and develop scientific collaborations between institutions involved in the Action and, especially, to increase young researchers’ expertise and networking. STSM should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action, as defined in the MoU, and preferably related to the WG1 “Setting the scene: identifying research gaps and needs”.

Short-term scientific missions (STSM) are exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST Action, allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST Member state. Their aim is to foster collaboration in excellent research infrastructures and share new techniques/methods that may not be available in a participant’s home institution or laboratory and to establish and boost networks.

Deadline for submission is 15 February.

Interested candidates can find more details on how to apply and the eligibility criteria in the following file.


More information on the COST Action event webpage.


The COST Action CA21134 “Towards zer0 pesticide agriculture: European network for sustainability” is funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), a funding organisation for the creation of research networks.

Modification date : 29 August 2023 | Publication date : 19 January 2023 | Redactor : Mathilde Calmels